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Children are...

Beautiful budding works of combined human effort. Imperfect in ways we both understand and misunderstand and misunderstand each day. Have you held or kissed your child today? A little effort to show physical love goes a long way in their life. For instance, for a little while now my teenage daughter has become very uncomfortable with hugs. Of course being a mother I became immediately concerned. I understand that teens go through things and changes that they prefer keep to themselves, but in many if not all areas of my children's life that is not an outright option.

You the world so many people are losing their love and the desire to even be loved. This is due to many reasons, but as for now I do not recognize my daughter's behavior as completely out of character for her age, and while I respect her room to grow and become an individual I will not accept, for her, and for our relationship she will always need, a distance of caress and care that is appropriate for a teenage girl quickly becoming a young woman.

I and my children happen to have enormous amounts in common and at the same time we are so brilliantly separate as individuals. I almost marvel at how this could be. However, I make it a point to go in and hug or kiss my children daily. I need them to know how deep my love for them is and will always remain. They will experience the same of me at their ripe old age of "Any" year old as long as I am alive and do spend time with them in that day. I love my babes. They are likened to plants and wild flowers to me who can even be very exotic at times, something beyond my imaginations ability to grasp. I am actually very happy for them as I have an ability to be able to some many individuals up somewhat quickly. And I mean that in a most respectful way. But these two...known one day and a complete mystery the next. They do keep me on my toes and also let me know that they are very capable of change and in a universal way they will have much opportunity and fit in most all places and people due to this nature.

Back to children, amazing gifts in love. Just now I may go out, find them and stare in their eyes until they become shy and ask me "What mooom?" And I'll say. "I'm your mother, can't I stare at my babe because I love you so?" And they will shake their heads and smile because they think I am "So weird" and the smile says "I love you." I quietly walk away, shut their doors and take away a memory and a thousand loves between us in just one fragment of a simple day.

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